- The Mughal Empire, 1526-1761 (
- The Mughal Empire, 1556-1707
- India, 1700-1792
- India in 1751
- British Conquest of India, 1753-1890
- Expansion of the Maratha Empire, 1758
- India in the Time of Clive, 1760
- India in 1785
- India in 1795
- India in 1804
- India in 1823
- India, 1832 (John Dower)
- India in 1856
- India in 1857
- Indian Empire in 1875
- Military Map of the Indian Empire, 1893
- Political Divisions of the Indian Empire
- India in 1907
- The Indian Empire and the Surrounding Countries in 1909
- British Crown Colony of India, 1914
- Indes anglaises, 1943 (Girard & Barrère)
- India Around Independence
- How India May Be Split Up (U. K. National Archives)
- Pre-Partition India showing parts which became Pakistan after Partition
- Pre-Partition Map of India - Before 1947 (
- The United Punjab before Partition showing the national boundary under the Partition Plan of 3rd June 1947
- Partition of India
- Map of India/Pakistan boundaries as fixed by the Boundary Commission, 17 August 1947
- India at the End of the British Period, 1947
- ‘New Political Map’ of Pakistan, 2020 (