peace, borders, territories and wars...
- Palestine 1946: Landownership by district showing percentages of Jews and Palestinians
- Carte du territoire palestinien (CBC/Radio-Canada)
- Palestine 1947-1949
- The Partition (The Guardian)
- The Partition of Palestine: 1947-1949 (Le Monde diplomatique)
- City of Jerusalem: Boundaries Proposed by the United Nations, November 1947
- Jerusalem at War 1948
- The Syrian-Israeli Frontier - Relevant Lines: 1923, 1949, 1967 (Jewish Virtual Library)
- Israel’s Land Concessions for Peace, 1967-2011
- Minimum Territory Needed by Israel for Defensive Purposes (1967 Memorandum)
- The Allon Plan, July 1967
- The Allon Plan, 1967
- The Allon Plan, 1967 (Jewish Virtual Library)
- The Phased Plan as Adopted by the Palestine National Council in Cairo on June 8, 1974
- Old City of Jerusalem, 1988: Arab and Jewish Areas
- Jerusalem, 1996 (Le Monde Diplomatique)
- Oslo II Accords (Washington Post)
- Clinton’s Peace Plan, 2000 (Jewish Virtual Library)
- Clinton’s Peace Plan, 2000
- Israeli (Barak Gvt.) Proposed Territorial Settlement during the Eilat Talks, May 2000 (Yediot Aharonot)
- Israeli Proposal to Palestinians and Syria on the Eve of the Camp David Talks, July 2000
- Israeli Proposal for the West Bank Final Status Map at Camp David, July 2000
- Israel’s Wall and Settlements (Colonies) in Occupied East Jerusalem, July 2005
- Projection of Israeli Proposal for Territory (Al-Jazeera)
- Olmert’s Peace Plan
- Israel’s Strategic Vulnerability from the West Bank, 2008 (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs)
- Political Cartography of Palestine (Leopold Lambert)
- Trump Peace Plan Overlay on Settlements and Solutions
- The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Maps (Shaul Arieli)
- Jordan Valley Map (Netanyahu Plan 2019)
- Netanyahu’s Jordan Valley Annexation Map 2019 (
- Vision for Peace Conceptual Maps (Trump Plan 2020)
- Vision for Peace Conceptual Maps (Trump Plan 2020)