map collections AND ATLASES
- Kurdistan, 1892 (F. R. Maunsell)
- Ethnographical Map of Eastern Turkey, 1910 (Royal Geographical Society)
- Ottoman Empire, 1916 (in German; Dietrich Reimer)
- Turkish Kurdistan, 1920 (as proposed by the Treaty of Sevres)
- Soviet Kurdish Autonomous District (Red Kurdistan). 1923-1929 (M. Izady)
- Kurdish Tribal Map of Iraq, 1944 (Yale University Library Digital Collections)
- Kurdistan, 1945 (Conference of San Francisco)
- Kurdistan et groupements kurdes isolés, 1947
- Iraqi Kurds - Kurdistan Region and Kurdish Territorial Demands
- Iraqi Kurdistan - Area inhabited by Kurds
- Map of Mainly Kurdish Settled Region
- Division of Kurdistan after the Civil War, 2003
- Kurdistan Regional Government Map, 2005
- Kurdish Regions of Iraq: Political Status in 2010
- Kurdistan Region Exploration Activities Map, 2013
- Kurdistan Regional Govt. Energy Projects, 2013 (stratfor)
- Kurdish-Controlled Region, cca. 2015
- Iraq: Kurdistan Region, 2021 (UNCHR)