- Military Map of Romania, 1869 (in Romanian)
- Balkan States & Ottoman Empire, 1877-1878 (Stanford’s Popular Map of the Seat of War)
- Romania and the Neighboring Countries, 1899 (in Romanian; Romanian Army’s Geogr. Institute)
- Romania, 1900: General Map (in Romanian; Romanian Army’s Geogr. Institute)
- Ethnographic Overview of the European Orient, 1912 (in German; D. Reimer)
- Carte ethnographique des Pays roumains, 1918 (N. Comnène)
- La Roumanie et les provinces roumaines, 1919 (A. Atanasiu)
- Roumanie, 1919: Carte ethnographique des régions habitées par les Roumains... (S. Demetresco)
- Romania, 1921 (in German; R. Lehner)
- Romania and adjacent states, 1922 (J. Bartholomew)
- Romania, 1930: School Map (in Romanian; C. Teodorescu)
- Ethnographical Map of Romania, 1939 (I. Jakobffy)
- Romania: Administrative Map, 1938 (in Romanian)
- Ethnographic Map of Romania, 1939 (in Romanian, E. Simtion)
- Scholastic Map of Dacia & Contemporary Romania, 1939 (in Romanian; G. Bejan)
- Romania, 1942: The Eastern Frontier (U.S. - O.S.S.)
- Romania, 1963 (Pergamon)